Category: Indiana

Masonry Contractors

4 Signs a Rental’s Chimney Needs Repairs

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Chimneys are an important part of any home that has a fireplace. They provide a safe way for smoke and harmful gases to escape while also adding beauty to the home. As a rental property owner, this means you’ll want to keep the chimney in great shape. So, here are four signs that a rental’s […]

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Rental Property

5 Effective Strategies to Attract Renters to Your Property

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Owning a rental property is a great investment. But to make the most out of it, you need to ensure that it is occupied by tenants who can pay the rent on time. Attracting renters to your property can be challenging, but it is not impossible. With the right strategies and approach, you can make […]

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General Contractor

Why Gravel is the Best Choice for Your Rental Property

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As a rental property owner, you always look for ways to maintain and improve your property. Landscaping is one of the most effective ways to enhance curb appeal, but deciding which materials to use can be a bit tricky. Regarding landscaping, there are two options: gravel and mulch. While mulch was once the standard, Basic […]

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Rental Property Maintenance

The Importance of Maintaining Your Rental Property

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Renting out your property can provide a steady source of income and serve as a smart investment. However, being a landlord involves more than just collecting rent checks. Maintenance of your rental property is crucial, which is where Basic Construction steps in. Failure to maintain and repair your property can lead to tenant dissatisfaction, reduced […]

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Why Paver Driveways Are Worth It

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If you are a landlord, then you know how difficult it is to maintain and upgrade your property. But, investing in the right upgrades can not only increase the value of your property but also attract high-quality renters. One such upgrade is investing in a paver driveway. Pavers come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, […]

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Investment Tips

An Essential Guide to Buying Investment Properties

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Buying investment properties can be a great way to build wealth and increase your financial security. However, buying a property is a big decision, and it’s important that you understand all the ins and outs of the process before making any decisions. This guide will outline some basics you need to know before taking this […]

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HVAC Maintenance

Why Routine Apartment HVAC Checks Are Crucial

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If you own an apartment building, it’s important to prioritize the health and safety of your tenants. One of the best ways to do this is to ensure that your HVAC system is in good condition. Regularly-scheduled apartment HVAC checks and maintenance are a must for any building owner, as they can help identify potential […]

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Decks & Patios

Transform Your Backyard with a Patio

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Every tenant we run into loves a good backyard patio. So, if you’re looking for a way to spruce up this area of your rentals, Basic Construction is here to help! With so many options available to you, there’s no limit to what you can do. Whether you are looking for an entertainment area or […]

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3 Common Signs of a Leaky Roof

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As a general contractor and property manager, one of the most common issues we come across is a leaky roof. Not only can leaks cause damage to the interior of a property, but they can also lead to higher energy bills and potentially mold growth if not addressed in a timely manner. But, what are […]

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HVAC Maintenance

3 Warning Signs a Furnace Needs Repair

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Winter is in full swing, which means many of your tenants are using their furnaces to keep warm. Furnaces are a necessary part of life during the cold winter months, but they can also be expensive to repair. That’s why it’s important to know when there is something wrong with a unit and get it […]

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